Details for this torrent 

Halo 2 for Vista | By Razor 1911
Games > PC
3.53 GB

+4 / -4 (0)

Jul 13, 2007

The entertainment phenomenon that conquered the digital universe is once again
out to save the planet as the award-winning, best-selling Halo 2 is coming to
the Windows Vista platform. Optimized for the advanced gaming features in
Windows Vista, Halo 2 promises to revolutionize the first-person shooter
experience for Windows gamers, as it did for consoles. With its classic story,
enhanced visual presentation, multiplayer excitement and all-new Map Editor,
Halo 2 for Windows Vista offers more game customization and new content than
ever before.

Epic Narrative: The saga continues with Halo 2 the international award-winning
sequel to the highly successful and critically acclaimed Halo: Combat Evolved.
In this sequel, the battle comes to Earth, and Master Chief, a genetically
enhanced super soldier, is the only thing standing between the relentless alien
Covenant and the destruction of all humankind.

Exciting Single-Player Gameplay: Experience first hand the epic struggle
between Master Chief and the Covenant armada. Brandish dual-wield weapons
Covenant arms and pilot human and non-human vehicles and aircraft to battle
intelligent AI alien enemies.

Unmatched Online Gaming: Halo 2 for Windows Vista will tap into the power of
Live Anywhere, a service similar to Xbox Live, to deliver online matchmaking
for PC gamers. The service will enable Windows Vista gamers all over the globe
to connect via their PCs and play on an innovative and competitive online forum.
New Multiplayer Map Editor: The game will also feature the all-new new Map
Editor, guaranteeing additional new, fan-generated content in the future.
The Halo 2 community can now tap their endless creative potential to develop
an unlimited number of user-created multiplayer levels.

Complete Community Freedom: Halo 2 for Windows Vista offers gamers the freedom
to host their own dedicated servers for maximum multiplayer action. Superior
Presentation and Cinematic Excellence: Bring the vast, imaginative world of
Halo 2 to life on the Windows Vista platform through higher-resolution
textures and improved lighting effects. Experience the unmatched cinematic
quality of Halo 2 through the power of Windows Vista.

Unprecedented Pedigree: The Halo franchise is one of the best selling and
monumental entertainment experiences in history with more than 14.5 million
units sold worldwide, more than 18 Game-of-the-Year awards, 750 million hours
and 500 million matches logged over Xbox Live. Halo 2 was also one of the most
successful entertainment launches of all time ? including books, films, graphic
novels, games and music. Halo 2 for Windows Vista brings this incredible
experience to Windows Vista gamers everywhere.

Don't forget to check the nfo included for install instructions.


whats gonna hapen if you try this on a XP
The computer is gonna fry
> There is a xp-patch out,

... but it's still kindda buggy. Make sure to read the comments on page 6 of that torrent details page for a possible working solution. It has worked for most people.
Hi, I burned this on a DVD and the setup screen shows up but when I try to install it on my windows Vista , the set up screen will disappear and nothing happens...anybody had this problem?
i bought the game..and its secured that not eaven cracks or whatever get true only first lvl is playable whitout serials and fake serials work also only for first lvl untill they catch u and ban the ip...
I had the same problem of elliotPK

Whats up

Any comments????

pls answer
yes the iso is busted so u have to find the fic that was put up.. go here
There is the patch that solve the problem

It works fine for me and halo2 is installed and working on my vista PC

Thanks to all the uploaders, specially to razor
After I load the startup.exe I get a blank (blue) window with "Halo 2 for Windows Vista" title. Any hints plz?
OS : Win XP SP2
elliotPK, I'm having the same problem. If you find a solution, share it with me, will you?
Hi, I go the same problem as ElliotPk, can someone please send me an email and explain how to fix the problem?
BTW: Thank you Razor
Plzz seed!!
I do also have the same problem.
I am able to load the setup menu. But after I click Install, nothing happens.

What is this? Any help guys.
try this,
works for XP with other iso's and security software that stops burning.

1.get/update daemon tools to v4.10
2. while at daemon website go to link "3rd party add ons for v4-series" and down YASU v1.2(cloaks(hides) the mounted image from secuROM 7.x and safedisc 4.x this way the security thinks it's actually a real disc not an image)
3. install deamon, mount image
4. run YASU (each windows session, must rerun after reboot)
5. install/play game

haven't tried this with vista yet so not sure if it will work but Daemon v4.10 supports vista and this process works great for other games that are protected with securom or safedisc.

I will be trying it myself as soon as torrent is done and will check back to say weather it works.

i think ive seen a patch for halo 2 to use it on xp by razor..there are also some videos on youtube just search halo2 on xp and a lot of people post videos..btw does this file^ really work...i got vista but i mean is it the full game?
I would like to know if this is actually going to allow me to play the full game on vista ..or will it just mess up after the first lvl like so many people say
If you have it on Xbox Try XBC Just search Xbconnect on google It allows you to connect to your computer using the systemlink option in the game and then connects you to other people across the world other words free xbox live but better
I need help!

how come every time when i try to install it nothing happens?

i click the button "install, and start later" and nothing happened

whats going on?

someone help me plz! I really want to play this shit
What the hell!?!?

How come everytime when i try to install this stuff and nothing happens?
wtf why aint this workin it just says "CreatePrecessWithTokenW" cannot foudn in dynamikcly linked library ADVAPI32.dll i mounted that iso file with Daemon Tools and then it says that 'm using xp sp2 and i got that xp patch. sry for my bad english. what should i do to fix that
fuck man i got interductions how to install game but then i realised that this fukcyn ISO file is fuckd so i need to download ISO file what Works. DONT DOWNLOAD THIS CAUSE THIS AINT WORKING
go here for complete installation guide;
when i get to the menu my audio doesnt work anyone know why??
Does multiplayer work in this torrent? Because I want to play this game online (since i have a gold account)
Guys, this is obviously a busted torrent, and not worth the download at the moment. Please stop posting comments like "plz help!" because no one has helped anyone yet- and the chances that you personally are going to get help are slim to none. And posting "email help to ____" is an epic fail in itself.

Just avoid this torrent for now.
don't bother to download, the game quality is bad. and you only can play the first lvl.
sure you can just play 1 level but there is another carck for it that activates the whole game
do i have to install it in the default location ?
how can i change it :S ???
Is it not working or are you dumb fucks just too stupid to make it work? Works fine here.
plzzz how can i change the install location ?? it dosnt want to accept any thing but the default :S
The setup and crack are fine.
The only thing wrong is startup.exe.
Heres the link to a fixed one (1.6mb only)
just copy setup files on pc replace the existing startup.exe with the one above.
Someone seed!
I've got the game working lol, but the problem is when i play campain and finish the mission metropolis, the loading screen pops up as if it is going to the next mission, and computer just crashes. Are my data files corrupt or is the crack just not built that far yet.

Email me at
i downloaded other halo 2 game and it didnt have the serial so..... anyone can tell me the code?
seeds please!
need seeds! no one is there!
need seeds please!!!!!
does this game even work?
My computer is having a problem opening your nfo file. How do I start installing?
so to install that game

copy the files in a folder and replace startup.exe for the Halo_2_Razor1911_startup_patch

and install the game... if ask for key just take the option dont register at this time

installed the game copt MF.dll in the razor1911 patch.

Now just play...

if have any problem contact me (MSN too)
Can anyone seed this?

It works!